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Here is the script you requested.
cgiscripts/download-counter.txt: 3640 bytes
cgi count the number of downloads of a file from your website
link to this script on your website.A
dds a count to a user-specified file and forward to the download file
# Countdown Lite
Version 1.0 #
# Copyright 1998 Edward Preble info@datatrendsoft
ware.com #
# Created 11/30/98 Last Modified 12/02/98
# Datatrend Software http://www.datatrendsoftware.com/cgi.html #
# This script will do the followi
ng: #
# 1. Is activated by a link, "http://www.site.com/scri
pts/countdownlite.cgi" #
# 2. Will add a count to "countdownlite.log", which must exist.
# 3. Will auto-forward to a specified file for download. #
# 4. The interfac
e is seamless, no user prompts. #
# Copyright 1998 Edward Preble All Rights Reserved. #
# This script is free.
You may use and modify this script as you please. #
# Do not remove this header, as it is the o
nly thing that gives me credit #
# for my work in writing this code. If you wish to sell this cod
e, you #
# must obtain permission from the authors first. #
# Scripts provided by Datat
rend Software are supplied "as-is". You agree #
# to indemnify the author's from any liability t
hat may arise from the use #
# of this script. We will provide support for bugs and operation issu
es, #
# but NOT for installation. Sorry for that, but it is just too time #
# consuming
and the volume of requests is truly staggering. #
# Obtain permission before redistributing this softwa
re over the Internet or #
# in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intac
# You must modify the the location of
PERL in the first line above to match #
# the location on your server. Your system admin must help
you with this. #
# You must also modify the following variables to match your preferences. #
# This is the path to the counter log filename
$Counter = '/docs/logs/countdownlite.log';
# This is
the URL address of the file that will be downloaded
$File = 'http://www.mysite.com/myfile.zip';
# No changes need to be made after these li
# Add hit to main counter
open (CNT,"
+<$Counter") || &endIt;
flock (CNT,2); seek (CNT,0,0);
@inFile = <CNT>;
($count,$eol) = split(/\|/,
$inFile[0] = join ("\|",$count,"\n");
@outFile = sort {($b =~ /(\d+)
/)[0] <=> ($a =~ /(\d+)/)[0]} @inFile;
seek (CNT,0,0);
print (CNT @outFile);
truncate (CNT,tell(CNT
)); close (CNT);
print "Content-type: text/html\n";
print "Location: $File\n\n";
sub endI
t # exit on error
{ exit;
} # end endIt
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